DPE University - New Gradle Build Tool Courses

Our new learning portal, DPE University, is now live! We released the first 10 free, self-paced courses for Gradle Build Tool, Apache Maven, Develocity Build Scan, and DPE. Learn best practices with us, improve your Gradle-fu, and boost your developer productivity!

You can find the full DPE University announcement in the blogpost on gradle.com. Here, we will focus on the training and content for Gradle Build Tool.


Available courses

The initial release includes six courses for Gradle Build Tool designed to help developers and build engineers with any expertise: from beginners to seasoned maintainers of large-scale developer productivity platforms. Currently, the following courses for Gradle Build Tool are available:

  1. Introduction to Gradle Build Tool for Developers - Getting Started with Gradle Build Tool
  2. How to Use Gradle Build Scan - Troubleshooting and optimizing Gradle builds with the Build Scan service we offer to Gradle, Maven, and sbt users
  3. Incremental Builds and Build Caching with Gradle Build Tool - An introduction to optimizing build times with incremental builds and Build Cache
  4. Incremental Builds and Build Caching with Gradle and Develocity - An advanced version of the previous course that also includes remote caching with Develocity
  5. Gradle Build Cache Deep Dive - Advanced training for those who want to master Gradle Build Tool’s caching capabilities and better comprehend additional capabilities
  6. Maintaining Optimal Gradle Build Cache Performance - An additional set of best practices for advanced users operating builds at scale

Example: Intro to local and remote caching in the Incremental Builds and Build Caching with Gradle Build Tool:

Incremental Builds and Build Caching with Gradle Build Tool

The courses above are just the first batch. We plan to release a new major version of the Introduction to Gradle Build Tool for Build Engineers course and other self-paced courses we previously offered in a live format.

Below is the complete planned learning path for the core Gradle Build Tool training courses—those in gray color are on the training roadmap :

Gradle Build Tool Training Map

Not just Gradle Build Tool!

DPE University is the new learning platform aligned with Gradle’s vision of expanding Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) across entire development and operations platforms within companies, from startups to large S&P 500 enterprises. Regardless of your build system of choice, DPE University provides a crucial foundation across different build automation, CI/CD, and DevOps solutions.

If Developer Productivity Engineering is your priority, take a look at the Introduction to DPE course. You can also find more resources and references on the newly launched dpe.org site. Feel free to join the #developer-productivity-engineering channel on the Gradle Community Slack.

DPE Trainings

If you use Apache Maven and want it to be as fast as Gradle Build Tool, take a look at the Apache Maven Build Cache courses in the DPE University Catalog. You will learn how we leverage the best practices from Gradle Build Tool in other build systems using Develocity and its local and distributed caching capabilities. 🚀

What about live training?

For now, live training sessions are paused as we work on offering more self-paced training at DPE University. Live sessions by Gradle are expected to resume in the future, and in the meantime, you can request consulting and training from our professional services partners.

Meanwhile, there are many online and in-person Gradle events happening where you can learn about Gradle Build Tool: DPE Summit in San Francisco (September 2024), DPE Tours in major cities, major Java, Android, and ecosystem conferences like Devoxx, DroidCon, or Kotlinconf, and many meetups across the world. Subscribe to the Gradle Build Tool Newsletter for event updates.

Gradle Build Caching course

Subscribe for more courses

We plan to release more Gradle Build Tool training courses in the upcoming months. Register on the DPE University Portal and subscribe to the Gradle Build Tool Newsletter to receive updates on new courses and certifications ;)

DPE University Teaser


And Happy Learning!
