November 15th Bay Area Gradle Users Meetup

Everyone has an opportunity to engage with the Gradle team online through a variety of channels, but nothing beats meeting people face to face. If you are around the Silicon Valley area on November 15th, you can meet three of the team at the Bay Area Gradle Users meetup along with an expert user and build master from LinkedIn.

We have two great talks lined up, the first of which introduces you to an exciting new feature within Gradle—composite builds—while the second shows you how to get more out of your build scans with custom data.


  • Who? Hans Dockter, Szczepan Faber (LinkedIn), Luke Daley, Etienne Studer
  • When? 6:00pm PT on November 15, 2016
  • Where? LinkedIn, 605 W. Maude, Sunnyvale, CA
  • RSVP: If you plan to attend, please register beforehand via Eventbrite

We hope to see you there!

Hans Dockter and Szczepan Faber on Composite Builds

Many of you will be familiar with Gradle’s multi-project build support which allows you set up dependencies between projects, e.g. where the output of one project—say, a JAR file—is required by another. But this only works if the projects are part of the same multi-project build.

In this talk, Hans and Szczepan will explain how Gradle’s new support for composite builds extends this behavior to projects that are otherwise independent of one another. Want to test a local fix to a library one of your projects depends on? Now you can—without having to publish a new version of that library. Composite builds also enable structuring your projects in new ways, since you no longer need to keep all projects in one repository or directory hierarchy.

Hans won’t just talk about the topic, he’ll also show you how the feature works in practice. You’ll come away with a firm understanding of the value of composite builds and how you might put them to use in your own projects.

Luke Daley and Etienne Studer on Customizing Build Scan Data

Build scans already provide deep insights into your build by reporting key metrics and data. These are incredibly useful on their own, but Gradle is designed around the understanding that no two builds are the same. That’s why build scans allow you to add custom tags, links, and values from your builds. These custom annotations can help you bring out insights that are very specific to your build and to the environment in which your build is run.

In this talk, Luke and Etienne will show examples of how you can use this feature to add extra value to your build scans. The aim is to sow the seeds of inspiration for your own builds using a feature that you might otherwise overlook.
