Gradle Public Roadmap

We are excited to announce that the Gradle Build Tool roadmap is now public. See the roadmap board and the associated readme.


The Gradle Build Tool project regularly ships new releases full of new features and bug fixes. So far our main channels of communication with the user community to share plans and get feedback were release notes, blog, issue tracker, forums, and community Slack. However, we lacked a high-level overview of what’s planned in the upcoming releases.

About the roadmap

Today, we are announcing our new roadmap board hosted on GitHub. It lists major projects and user-facing features, organized by quarter and target release.

The board also shows the past two quarters so that you can see what we delivered in recent Gradle releases.


Each roadmap item provides a brief description and links to related issues in the issue tracker.


Share Your Feedback

We hope that this additional level of transparency about our plans will be useful to you. Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

Comments on the roadmap board itself are disabled to keep it neat and tidy. Instead, reach out to us on the community Slack #roadmap channel.
