Stop rerunning your tests

Tests are usually the longest running operation in your development process. Running them unnecessarily is the ultimate time waster. Gradle helps you avoid this cost with its build cache and incremental build features. It knows when any of your test inputs, like your code, your dependencies or system properties, have changed. If everything stays the same, Gradle will skip the test run, saving you a lot of time.

So you can imagine my desperation when I see snippets like this on StackOverflow:

tasks.withType(Test) {
    outputs.upToDateWhen { false }

Let’s talk about what this means and why it is a bad idea.

Communicating intent

The above snippet just says “Never reuse this test’s output”. But why? Is it because there is some hidden input that Gradle doesn’t know about? Or is it because the test produces random outputs? The reader can’t tell.

Deterministic tests don’t need reruns

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”

- Not Albert Einstein

The vast majority of your tests should be deterministic, i.e. given the same inputs they should produce the same result. If this is not the case, your project is in serious trouble. Stop reading this post and start fixing your code!

Rerunning deterministic tests is a waste of your team’s time.

Non-deterministic tests

There are a few reasons why you might want to rerun some tests in some cases even though none of the code changed. In these cases, you should model the additional input properly. Tell Gradle what exactly makes your tests non-deterministic.

Randomized tests

Some tests use randomization to improve the quality of your software.

  • Random testing can be used to ensure that the production code can handle all kinds of inputs, not just the ones that the developer came up with.
  • Mutation testing changes the production code in subtle way (e.g. introducing off-by-one errors) and checks whether your test suite catches these mistakes.

Make this randomization explicit by making the random seed an input to your task:

task randomizedTest(type: Test) {
    systemProperty "random.testing.seed", new Random().nextInt()

This will force Gradle to always rerun that test, because it will always have a different seed. Even better, you could make the seed user-configurable to locally reproduce bugs that were found on your build server.

System integration tests

System integration tests verify your application against realistic versions of other applications that are controlled by other teams. They may fail even if you didn’t change anything, e.g. because another team broke an API. They also tend to be among the slowest tests in your code base, so you don’t want to rerun them just because you changed some documentation. A good compromise may be to check integration at least once a day, even if nothing on your side has changed.

Make this interval part of your test inputs:

task systemIntegrationTest(type: Test) { "",

You can then set up an automated build that runs this test in the morning before everyone starts working and let it push the result to a shared build cache. When your team comes to work, the test result will be downloaded from the cache and the tests won’t have to rerun for that day. They can then use the saved time on more productive tasks like fixing bugs or developing new features.

Flaky tests

Sometimes you encounter a bug that only makes a test fail 1 out of 10 times. In order to analyze the situation, you want Gradle to rerun the test even if it was successful before. In this case it is reasonable to use the random input approach I showed above. However, I find it more productive to wrap the flaky test in an endless loop. This way I can keep the debugger in the IDE running and even make small changes on the fly without having to restart.

Model your tests properly

Properly modeling your requirements is just as important for your build logic as it is for your production code. Doing it right will make your builds faster and your team more productive.

The java plugin’s built-in test task is meant for deterministic and fast unit tests. It may seem convenient to put all your tests into this one task and rerun them on every build, because a few of them are non-deterministic. This lazy approach will save you a few minutes of thinking and coding, but the long term costs are huge, slowing everyone on your team down every day.

Instead, create additional Test tasks for different types of tests like functional, performance, or randomized tests. For each one of them, consider when it needs to rerun and model that as an input to the task.

Don’t waste your time.